How To Responsibly Dispose Of Hazardous Waste
There are a number of items that can be classed as hazardous, all of them should be strictly prohibited from being placed into a skip. We know that hazardous materials can be difficult to dispose of properly, however, it is in the best interest of everybody that it is taken to the appropriate place.

Search for a specialist
You should be able to find a specialist for any waste you need removing with a quick search. If you struggle finding one, you can contact the manufacturer of said items, they should be able to help you with disposal options. Doing this can keep a lot of people safe and ensure nobody is coming into contact with anything dangerous. These companies will be licensed and insured to give you confidence that your waste will be thrown away responsibly.
Hiring separate waste disposal services
You may have a large amount of hazardous waste as well as your general waste. If this is the case you may benefit from using a general waste skip to throw away the majority of your rubbish, then hiring a separate skip or service specifically used for disposal of hazardous or large items. There are many ‘man with a van’ services floating around social media and the internet, these services may be able to help you dispose of large hazardous materials such as fridges.
Donating or Selling
There are a few items we don’t allow in skips that can be reused. This could be a fridge freezer, paints, or glass objects. If it is in good condition and has the potential to be used by somebody else then you can try to sell or give away the item. Anything unsafe for others should be thrown away properly using one of the options in this article. Always refer to manufacturers if you aren’t able to find answers online.
We all want to take care of the environment that we live in, to do that we have to be smart about where we put any rubbish that can potentially cause harm to others. Take this advice if you have anything hazardous to dispose of and contact us if you require any further information so we can try our best to help.